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-Katya's story
-Newspaper article from The Metrowest Daily News
-Article from The Boston College Chronicle
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-My Grant Proposal
-Katya's Health Education Project Report (5 Part)
-Picture slideshow from my Summer 2008 Uganda trip
-Video picture slideshow with traditional Ugandan music

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Post!!!

I have spent the last two hours trying desperately to get this blog together and ready so I can move on and continue developing my health education project. However, I am not nearly as far along as I wish to be on both this blog and the planning process. Hopefully, with some time tonight, I will be able to accomplish a lot of what needs to get done.

I had another successful day today in regards to fundraising. I made $96 on top of the $286 I made with my bake sale and yard sale. I might go sit outside Coffee Haven again on Saturday morning if the weather is nice. That seemed to work well today.

Till later.


  1. Katya,
    You are amazing!!!
    I would like to share this with my classes.
    My highest regards,
    Mr D'Avanzo.
    Are you still in need of fund raising? or did the grant cover you?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
