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Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have not gotten much done in the last few days and I did not sit outside Coffee Haven yesterday. Therefore, in terms of fundraising, I am at the same place I was. Monetary donations, on top of supplies donations, are always welcome.

Tomorrow, I am sending out a letter to Johnson & Johnson, as well as Procter & Gamble, asking for donations of certain supplies, depending on what their company manufactures. Johnson & Johnson manufactures Purell, Band-Aid, and Neosporin, while Procter & Gamble manufactures a bunch of soaps, including Ivory and Olay. Also, this week I plan on making a trip to Target, BJs, and CVS, asking for donations. If anyone has any connections at any of these places, please let me know. I can use all the help I can get. I am also going to go to Staples, and see if they would be willing to let me use their copy machine free of charge for a certain amount of documents.

This is another way people could donate, depending on what Staples says. If anyone would allow me to use their printer to print a certain amount of documents that would be great.

Thanks for supporting me and helping me along the way.

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