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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fort Portal - Going into town

Hi everyone. So I just posted a lot. My apologies. You have a lot to read. Feel free to skim through it or not read it at all. I have finally made it into Fort Portal and into an internet cafe. I have not really had access to email or the internet at all till now, but still feel free to contact me because I will do my best to come into town once a week.

Last night I went to the Kasiisi School, after a long day of health education planning. They put on a little ceremony for a fourth grader from Weston who is visiting and is a big contributor to the Kasiisi Project. There was song, dance, and poetry reciting. There was also a wonderful meal.

As I am taking weekends off for the most part (I may go to the clinic tomorrow and I will be sorting through first aid kits and paper work later), I went to Kasiisi this morning and helped work on the library they are creating. Tomorrow, I will take the day to catch up on much needed sleep. I hope all is well in the States. Thanks for following my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Katya,
    It doesn't sound like such a good idea to be walking alone in the pitch black dark! I know you must be excited about your mom coming. I'm glad you're trying to take the weekends off and get some rest. Thanks for taking the time to post about your days and the work in the clinic. Love, Aunt Suzan
