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Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 24

Wow. I cannot believe it is already July 24. I have been here for a while now. Today was my first health education day at the Kasiisi School. I worked with P1, P2, and P3, which in the United States is kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Lucy came with me. I did the introduction in ruturo, the language spoken in this region. Muli Muta (how are you/hello – greeting) and then I introduced myself in ruturo, but I don’t remember how. While I read the book on germs in English, Lucy translated. Then, Lucy did the rest of the presentation I designed because that was easier than me saying it in English and her translating. She was so great with the kids, very engaging. I did three demonstrations, washing hands with soap, ash, and handsanitizer. Then, the kids got to color, either a coloring sheet of germs or of a handwasher, which they loved.

During the coloring activity, I went around and gave each kid a drop of handsanitizer. It was great when the P3 students started singing their version of the ABCs while rubbing the handsanitizer all over their hands. Lucy and I taught them that while washing your hands with soap or ash you should rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. We suggested they sing the ABCs while rubbing because the song lasts about 20 seconds. While this does not apply to handsanitizer, since it dries so quickly, the kids were obviously listening. It really made me feel like they got something out of it.

Hopefully Monday and Tuesday go just as well. Lucy will be working at the clinic so I am on my own.

Tomorrow, I am going to the clinic in the afternoon. On Saturdays it is only open from 1 to 4. Sunday I plan on heading into Fort Portal. I am hoping that the internet cafĂ© will be open. If this isn’t posted on Sunday, then you know it wasn’t open. I am also going to grab lunch at Mountains of the Moon, a restaurant that I ate at last summer. Barbara Stevens, a colleague of my mother’s who has been setting up a library at the Kasiisi School, may or may not join me. I am excited to eat out. Don’t get me wrong. The food here on the field station is great. I have been eating around three times as much as I eat at home, but its always nice to eat out from time to time.


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